CBD Oil For Sleep Disorder

The Most Common Types Of Sleep Disorders Explained

These are sleep disorders, also known as somnipathy. Are disorders that disrupt a person's normal sleeping patterns. To be considered a sleep disorder, it must occur on a regular basis. Sleep disorders do not include occasional or rare sleep disturbances. While some sleep disorders can cause issues with mental or emotional functioning, others can manifest in the form of physical symptoms.

The most common sleep disorders are bruxism (or delayed sleep phase syndrome), hypopnea, hypopnea, narcolepsy (or jet lag) and night terror (or Pavor nocturnus).

Sleep disorders can also include restless legs syndrome, shift work sleep disorder, SWSD, sleep apnea and sleep paralysis.

According to sleep experts, there are three types of sleep disorders. These are:

  1. Dysomnias

  2. Parasomnias

  3. Medical and Psychiatric Conditions


There are many sleep disorders that can be linked to dysomnias, such as insomnia and hypersomnolence. There are three types of dysomnias: intrinsic (meaning the origin is within the body), external https://herbalsonlineshopee.co.uk/barnet/ (meaning it is caused by environmental or other pathological factors) and thirdly, disturbances that affect the circadian rhythm.

Dysomnias can include restless legs syndrome (narcolepsy), insomnia, restless legs syndrome (obstructive sleep disorder), hypersomnias, hypersomnias, recurrent hyposomnias, periodic limb movements disorder, posttraumatichypersomnia, healthy hypersomnia and circadian rhythm sleep disorders like delayed sleep phase syndrome, advanced sleeping phase syndrome, and non-24-hour wake syndrome.


Parasomnias can be defined as sleep disorders like REM sleep behavior disorder (or somnambulism), sleep terror, sleepwalking (or bruxism), teeth grinding, sleep enuresis, bed-wetting, sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS, and sleep talking (also known as somniloquy).

Psychiatric and Medical Problems

The third and final category is those with psychiatric problems or medical conditions that can disrupt sleep patterns. These include mood disorders (such as schizophrenia), anxiety, depression and alcoholism. While snoring alone is not considered a disorder, it can be a sign of a larger health problem. It can also lead to other serious issues such as snoring.

Factors Associated

A variety of factors can lead to a sleep disorder. Many factors play a part in causing a sleep disorder, such as shift workers (or shirt work sleep disorder). Consistent sleep patterns can also be affected by pain, problems with the neck, shoulders, or back, as well as noise pollution, incontinence and incontinence. Many drugs can alter sleep at different stages. Often, taking sleeping pills or other sedatives can make things worse.